Bizagi Tips and Tricks

Bizagi Development Handbook

As a Bizagi developer, I often find myself using the same code snippets, XML structures, and syntax repeatedly. Instead of memorizing everything, I’ve decided to create this Bizagi Development Handbook—a quick reference guide where I can store essential code, configurations, and best practices that I use regularly.

This article is a work in progress, and I’ll continue adding more content over time as I refine and expand my knowledge. Whether it’s scripting, XML structures, or integration techniques, this guide will evolve into a comprehensive resource for Bizagi development. Stay tuned for updates!

Working with SOAP services
      <![CDATA[kmLPUser.ksUser.idUser = 1234]]>
    <Filters><![CDATA[key = "1234"]]></Filters>

How to trace

Name: Valeriu Bosneaga
Desc: [Add short description]
Date: [Date when the expression was created]
Modi: [Date when the expression was modified]
var sRuleName = "______";