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The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers

The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers is a guidebook for software developers, written by Robert C. Martin, a well-known figure in the software development industry. The book is designed to provide principles and practices that programmers can follow to become exemplary professionals.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of professionalism: Professionalism is a key component of being a successful software developer. This means being reliable, accountable, and committed to producing high-quality code that meets the needs of your clients or users.
  • The role of ethics: Ethical considerations are important in software development. Developers need to consider the impact that their code has on the world and take responsibility for any potential harm that it may cause. Developers should also avoid conflicts of interest and disclose any relevant information to their clients or stakeholders.
  • The importance of communication: Effective communication is crucial for successful software development. Developers need to be able to communicate effectively with their team members, clients, and stakeholders to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the project is progressing smoothly. Communication also means being honest about the status of the project and any potential roadblocks or issues.
  • The value of testing: Testing is an integral part of the software development process. Developers should write automated tests to catch errors and ensure that their code is working as intended. They should also strive to create code that is easy to test and maintain over the long term.
  • The importance of continuous learning: Technology is constantly evolving, and developers need to stay current with the latest tools, techniques, and best practices. This means being willing to learn new things and continuously improving your skills through reading, attending conferences, and collaborating with others.


The Clean Coder begins with an introduction to professionalism and the importance of a professional attitude in software development. Martin argues that software development is not just a technical discipline, but also a professional one that requires a high degree of reliability, accountability, and ethical behavior. This means taking responsibility for one’s work and being committed to delivering high-quality code that meets the needs of clients and users.

The book then goes on to discuss various aspects of professionalism, including communication, testing, and continuous learning. Martin emphasizes the importance of effective communication in software development, discussing techniques for improving communication with team members, clients, and stakeholders.

Testing is also an important topic in the book, with Martin advocating for the creation of automated tests that catch errors and ensure that code is working as intended. He also emphasizes the importance of creating code that is easy to test and maintain over the long term.

Ethical considerations are also explored in the book, with Martin urging programmers to consider the impact that their code has on society and take responsibility for any potential harm that it may cause. He also encourages programmers to avoid conflicts of interest and disclose any relevant information to their clients or stakeholders.

The final section of the book focuses on continuous learning, with Martin stressing the importance of staying current with the latest tools, techniques, and best practices in software development. He discusses various methods for improving skills, including reading, attending conferences, and collaborating with others.


The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers is a comprehensive guide to professionalism in software development. Robert C. Martin provides readers with practical advice and principles that can be applied in any software development project. The book emphasizes the importance of professionalism, communication, testing, ethics, and continuous learning, and provides guidance for how programmers can improve their skills and become exemplary professionals in their field.