Bizagi Widget

Agree checkbox widget

Custom Bizagi widget

The widget works for all the below scenarios:

  • I agree to terms and conditions…
  • I accept the terms and conditions…
  • I confirm…

Widget features

The custom widget has 2 main parts: the heading with the displayed text and the check-box selection area. Both of them are fully customisable.

The heading with the displayed text

Using HTML elements you can build a beautiful header together with a custom message.

<h1>Terms and conditions</h1>
<p>We want you to know exactly how our service works and why we need your registration details.</p>
<p>Please state that you have read and agreed to these terms before you continue.</p>

The checkbox selection area

The area is built based on the content provided by the collection (input). It accepts parent and child relationships in case you have


To download the widget please get in touch with us.